Empowering the community: Reaching Thousands with Our Interventions

Our organization has been working to empower and improve the lives of women, youth, and persons with disabilities (PWDs) in various areas, such as gender equality, good governance, economic empowerment, climate justice, and sexual reproductive health rights. We are pleased to report that we have reached a total of 5780 women, 7280 youth, and 698 PWDs with our interventions so far.

Among the women reached, the highest number were those who benefited from interventions in climate justice, environment, and natural resource conservation (2068), followed by sexual reproductive health rights (1003), and gender equality and empowerment (1107). This shows that there is a need to address the intersectional challenges that women face, particularly in relation to their health, rights, and the environment.

For the youth, the interventions on sexual reproductive health rights reached the highest number (2890), followed by good governance, budget accountability, and public participation (1369), and economic empowerment and livelihoods (1020). This indicates that young people are interested and engaged in issues related to their well-being, participation, and economic development.

Lastly, for PWDs, the interventions on economic empowerment and livelihoods reached the highest number (220), followed by gender equality and empowerment (92), and climate justice, environment, and natural resource conservation (126). This highlights the importance of providing PWDs with opportunities to access resources, skills, and services that can enable them to live more independently and fully participate in society.

Overall, our interventions have contributed to reaching a diverse and significant number of beneficiaries across different categories, and we are committed to continuing our efforts to empower and improve the lives of more individuals and communities.

See the graph below; 

Reach by Category